Higher Learning

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All pages by Cartomancer
Page last updated: Jun 23 2015
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I have a passion for learning. I hope not a day passes where I didn't learn something new, and if it does- it's a day I wasted, missed a chance.

Growing up, I did not have anyone motivating me or concerned with my schooling. There was never any talk of college, or what I learned in school that day. Children were to be seen and not heard, grow the hell up and fend for themselves. I never new a life where there was an option of staying at home after I finished school or was 18. And even though it's 100% true I always wanted to be a Marine- I wouldn't have had much of a choice anyway. I guess I could have picked an easier branch of the military. That or became a person with zero drive in life, with no home of my own.

I always felt like the odd duck of the bunch- interested in being cultured, knowing more about my fellow human beings, and worlds outside my little box. I had aunts and uncles that were different, but today I guess I only have one that's really been cut from the same cloth as me. That's probably why he's my favorite uncle ;)

And so- there was to be no college for me at a young age. In my eight Marine Corps years, I took a few classes when I could. Life was busy and with short deployments and exercises here and there- I could not be enrolled in school. My time in the military did not give much more for college. I worked for a few years after the Marines with 70+ hour work weeks in retail management- then ended up a stay at home mom due to health issues. Ever since, I have been devoting my free time to school. I feel like I missed out on so much I could have already accomplished. I've accomplished a lot- a lot of other things. But for me, in my life- I wanted to build my brain. My thirst for knowledge is just a different part of me and my life's goals.

In May 2011, I completed a four year Theological Education program, as well as the Diocesan School for Ministry in May 2010- which was a two year program. I am happy it's over and ready for the next thing. But I just don't have money coming out my ears for never-ending tuition and I have a child who'll be ready for college before I know it... I need to conserve funds for him. Friends, there are options.

Some people go to college because they are looking for a piece of paper that will get them in the door of where they want to be in life. That's totally valid. You could be great at a lot of things, but unless you have a degree- some of those things aren't going to be easy (in other cases impossible).

Let's say,
  • You already have a degree and are through that proverbial door.
  • Maybe, possibly never going to conventionally work again due to health issues.
  • You have no health issues but you're a homemaker looking to fulfill your life in another way.

    You could be in one of those situations but still simply want to learn more. A degree is not necessarily important, wanting to learn more is. You should totally know that you can stay in school and not pay anything. Your reward is the knowledge you crave. There are a lot of universities online that offer free courses. Beggars shouldn't be choosers so don't get snippy about not getting 'credits' and a piece of paper for your accomplishment in completing them. Your benefit and prize is that you learned. That's is the name of the game, here. Here are some options with a short description from their sites:

    MIT Open Courseware - Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT. No registration required.
    Open Yale courses - Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn.
    Open Courseware, University of California, Irvine - As a proud member of the OCW Consortium, the University of California, Irvine strives to play a significant role in the contribution to the social welfare of the state, the nation and the world by making high quality UC course materials free on a global scale to educators, students, and self-learners.
    Notre Dame OpenCourseWare - Notre Dame OCW is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners throughout the world.

    iTunes U - You don't have to own an Apple product to take advantage of this. Download iTunes, when it's loaded, go to 'Store', then iTunes U. There are countless video lectures on numerous topics. Other languages, philosophy, literature, theology, sciences, history- the list goes on and on. And they're free. Take a course on 'Beowulf', or J.R.R. Tolkien. Anatomy or Calculus, by chance? It's *so* worth your time.

    And here's one of my recent favorites: University of the People (UoPeople) - the world’s first tuition-free, accredited, online university dedicated to the global advancement and democratization of higher education. The University embraces the worldwide presence of the Internet and dropping technology costs to bring tuition-free academic programs within reach to millions of people around the world. With the support of academic leadership from top universities and a student body comprised of students from over 110 countries, UoPeople has become a tuition-free higher education global leader." *In June 2012, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave a $500,000 grant to University of the People for the institution's work towards accreditation*

    *February 2014: UoPeople received it accreditation!*

    UoPeople founder Shai Reshef has received accolades from Ivy League universities, has been a consistent name in news for higher learning, the Keynote Speaker at Google's first education summit, and the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) named Reshef to its High-level Panel of Advisers. *to name just a bit* UoPeople is also in partnership with the Yale Law School Information Society Project.

    Currently, University of the People offers the following four undergraduate degrees: Associate (A.S.-B.A.) and Bachelor (B.S.-B.A.) degrees in Computer Science and Associate (A.S.-C.S.) and Bachelor (B.S.-C.S.) degrees in Business Administration.

    Also, Khan Academy (founder and creator Salman Khan was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana):
    Watch. Practice. Learn almost anything—for free.

    All this I share with you- because if you are anything like me, this is information that will be gold in your life. This is how I spend my free time. Learn more today, be better tomorrow.

    *2/27/2013 addition* Mark Zuckerberg shared this on Facebook, so I thought it would be a great addition to this page. I have already started with Codecademy.org after watching :)

  • All pages by Cartomancer
    Page last updated: Jun 23 2015



    15:22 Jun 23 2011

    Its a real inspiration to read something like this. Your passion for being the best you can be shines through in how you speak.

    Learning is something that we should never stop. Given that there are at least 7 different categories/types of 'intelligence', there will always be something we are able to learn.

    15:37 Jun 23 2011

    Thanks for commenting, Sulks! You're a very involved member of this site- and its always great to see you respond to the things you read.

    16:50 Jun 23 2011

    This is the epitome of knowledge is power .

    17:03 Jun 23 2011

    I got caught in the retail mess for a lot of years and it is not fun. During and after high-school I had to help my mom rise my sisters and college was too far of a grasp for me. I, for the first time started college last year and I love it. Thank you for sharing your story.

    17:28 Jun 23 2011

    Never too late to learn :) Many of us have had to put plans on 'pause' for different reasons... but we can still learn more, and money doesn't have to be obstacle.

    18:56 Jun 23 2011

    The UoPeople Online is a fantastic concept. No longer is education for the rich only.

    23:02 Jun 23 2011

    Itunes University offers a number of free course lectures you can download onto your ipad/iphone.

    23:29 Jun 23 2011

    Yep, that's in this article :)

    23:59 Jun 23 2011

    My beliefs exactly

    00:03 Jun 24 2011


    17:04 Jun 24 2011

    I adore learning. =) This ... this is going to be good. I honestly had NO idea these existed. I audit classes at one or the other of our local universities from time to time, but ... I can do it for free, online? Yay!

    20:34 Jun 24 2011

    Good point you made just there for those that audit classes... especially all these lectures available on iTunes U.

    22:43 Jun 24 2011

    Thanks for the links I will check them out :)

    14:52 Jun 25 2011

    This information has made me incredibly happy. I adore learning and have been looking for something I can do that won't eat up my GI Bill if I wasn't able to fully utilize it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am going to look into all of these.

    You're the best! Thanks again!! :D

    17:08 Jun 25 2011

    Awesome :) The GI Bill thing was also one of my concerns. I waited too long and ended up losing it. I really do hope people will take advantage of what's out there. When I read here that people are 'bored'.... I think of iTunes U, Khan Academy, and all these other options I shared. There's so much to know and all it takes is a will to pay attention. You don't have to 'pay' anything else ;)

    16:57 Jun 26 2011

    I am incredibly thankful for this article. I know you posted it in your journal prior to this page, but I couldn't find it due to the different sections and with each month, I just couldn't remember where it was placed. Now it's right there for me to look back on whenever I want or need to and I can access it easily now.

    :D YAY for Member Articles!

    17:03 Aug 23 2011

    Maybe you heard about the method of learning mastered by Giordano Bruno. Learning is really a fascinating subject in itself! Compliments for the page, made me learn new things!

    22:06 Nov 26 2011

    Your first paragraph really says it all beautifully.

    03:31 Nov 27 2011

    I have heard about the method of learning by Giodano
    and excatly my kind

    13:03 Nov 30 2011

    There was a typo I corrected, and when edited, it puts a Member Page back on top as a more 'recent' page. I created it more than 5 months ago. So, it's not 'revised' :) All the links are still valid, though.

    22:27 Nov 30 2011

    Learning is the best drug there is.

    18:13 Dec 03 2011

    yes, i agree learning is a passion i hope i never lose

    23:02 Jan 06 2012

    I really like this post, I am the same way. The moment you stop learning is the moment you cease. Great job!

    23:03 Jan 06 2012

    just wish some people in my coven would understand there's no one way to learn something. LOL

    14:48 Feb 27 2013

    That video at the end is an inspiration. I originally saw it on FB and now I'm off to 'CODE.ORG'!

    16:38 Feb 27 2013

    learning is fun.

    21:51 Feb 18 2014

    I recently finished my last 8 credits passed my masters. As I get closer to retirement, I had many say are you crazy taking classes at your age. I agree, I learn something new every day. It was an amazing experience and I loved it. Admittedly it was hard work but I felt a feeling of renewal. We are never too old to learn.

    17:16 Mar 02 2014

    this is very nice read i love to learn more thanks images for this wonderful image in my head,

    22:11 Feb 09 2015

    very nice

    20:28 Jun 23 2015


    21:50 Jul 01 2015

    The day you stop learning is the day you stop living, imo.

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